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Stop Smoking Service
Local stop
smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of
quitting for good.
services staffed by expert advisers provide a range of proven methods to help
you quit.
They'll give
you accurate information and advice, as well as professional support, during
the first few months you stop smoking.
They also
make it easy and affordable for you to get stop smoking treatments, such as:
· Varenicline
· Bupropion
· nicotine
replacement therapy, such as patches and gum
and group stop smoking sessions
normally be offered a one-to-one appointment with an adviser, but many areas
also offer group and drop-in services as well.
Depending on
where you live, the venue could be a local GP surgery, pharmacy, high-street
shop, or even a mobile bus clinic.
Percival, who trains stop smoking advisers, says that using both treatment and
specialist support is proven to give you the best chance of stopping smoking.
majority of people who see an adviser will get through the first month after
quitting without smoking a cigarette.
you're up to 4 times more likely to stop smoking for good if you use a
combination of stop smoking treatment and receive support from an NHS Stop
Smoking Service." she says.
happens at the first stop smoking session?
At your
first meeting with an adviser, you'll talk about why you smoke and why you want
to quit, as well as any attempts you've made to quit in the past. You'll also
be able to decide on a quit date.
You'll be
offered a breath test, which shows the level of carbon monoxide – a poisonous
gas in cigarette smoke – in your body.
don't need to be sure you want to quit or have a quit plan in mind before this
meeting," says Jennifer.
can use the time to talk your situation through with the adviser without making
a commitment. If you do decide to quit, the adviser can help you form an action
plan and set a quit date, usually in a week or so."
smoking aids
At your
first session, you'll also discuss NHS-endorsed stop smoking treatments
available to help you.
These are
nicotine replacement products (including patches, gum, lozenges, inhalators and
mouth and nasal sprays) and the stop smoking tablets Champix (varenicline) and
Zyban (bupropion).
"No one
is forced to use treatment," says Jennifer, "but we'll encourage it
because the results are better. We can help you decide which type of treatment
is right for you and how to use it.
some cases, we can directly supply you with the treatment before you leave, or
we can arrange for you to receive a prescription or a voucher for it.
"In the
case of nicotine replacement therapy, it often works out at least a third
cheaper than buying it from a pharmacy."
evidence that e-cigarettes can help people stop smoking. E-cigarettes aren't
currently available as medicines so they can't be supplied by stop smoking
services or prescribed on the NHS.
But if you
want to use an e-cigarette to help you quit, you can still get advice and
support from a stop smoking adviser to give you the best chance of success.
points out that NHS stop smoking advisers only provide evidence-based support.
"We won't suggest or recommend hypnosis or acupuncture as there's not
enough evidence they help you stop smoking."
As a general
rule, you'll have weekly face-to-face or phone contact with your adviser for
the first 4 weeks after you quit smoking, then less frequently for a further 8
At each
meeting, you'll receive a supply of (or prescription for) a stop smoking
treatment if you're using it, and have your carbon monoxide level measured.
You'll have
an emergency number for out-of-hours times to help you cope with cravings and
avoid lighting up if you're struggling.
"Going on the 12-week programme requires you to commit to not having a single puff of a cigarette," says Jennifer.
carbon monoxide levels isn't about checking up on you. It's more to motivate
you to stay smoke-free by showing how your body is already recovering."
Stop smoking
advisers can also help you identify difficult situations when there may be a
strong temptation to relapse and start smoking.
And they can
help you come up with ways to cope with or avoid these situations.
"If you
do relapse, we won't judge or nag you or take it personally. We're a friendly
face that understands how difficult it is to quit, and we'll help you get back
on track to becoming a non-smoker," says Jennifer.
Get more
advice on what to do if you relapse after quitting.